February 2, 2009

Selecting a Diamond Engagement Ring

Engagement rings lies close to the heart for any bride to be. If the ring is studded with one or more diamonds, the effect is even more. Diamond rings are supposed to convey a message of love and harmony to your loved one. It is indeed a romantic gesture.
You can go on and on blurting out the feel good factor exuded by a diamond engagement ring. But are all of us careful while buying one? Sadly, the answer, more often than not, is in the negative. This helps crooks to get away with the sale of fake and imitation diamonds to unwary customers.
There are four factors, popularly called the four Cs that determine the quality of a diamond. Preliminary knowledge of these factors is essential if you do not want to be bamboozled. They are Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat. It is preferable to have a diamond examiner or appraiser at your side while visiting one of the stores.
The first thing you should do while checking a diamond is to bring it under phosphorescent lights or sunlight to check its color quality. Halogen lamps create illusions and you may not be able to judge the right color of the diamond you wish to buy.
Symmetrically cut diamonds at the perfect angles radiate light brilliantly through the various faces of the stone. In some stones, air pockets and impurities hamper clarity. Check thoroughly for improper cuts and clarity lessening properties of the diamond. The last of the Cs is Carat size. Some diamonds may be larger with less carat size and you need to be careful about this too.
Last of all, but not the least, please obtain all papers related to the diamond engagement ring you are buying, in case some issues rise after the purchase.
If you are looking for more information then feel free to visit Diamond Engagement Rings and Diamond Jewelery
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jitesh_Arora

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